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Introduction to supervision

Ø Supervision is an essential and important aspect of administration in every field. It is one of the functions of administration. When the administrator has prepares a plan, it has to be implemented. When a plan is in implementation phase, a number of people are involved in its execution at different stages playing different roles. 

Ø At this stage, the administrator requires to see that the work is done by everyone as desired and planned or not. For this purpose, the administrator does everything—to advise, motivate and help the personal engaged in the execution of plan. The whole situation requires directing, coordinating, telling and controlling the workers

Ø Supervision is one of the most important management functions in an organization. In every organization, public or private, supervisors can be found at all levels which can be hospital, health centers or even during home visiting

Ø Definition of supervision-

·       Supervision is defined as “overseeing the work of employees in an organization”

·       It is also defined as “the authoritative direction of the work of one’s subordinate”

·       It is also defined as “the process of activities: to see, to observe, to guide and to evaluate”

Ø Objectives of supervision-

·       Help the staff to do their job skillfully and effectively to give maximum output with minimum resources (cost effectiveness).

·       Help the staff develop the individual capacity to the fullest extent with view to channelize the same in favor of work.

·       Guide and/or assist in meeting predetermined work objectives or targets. In nursing preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative care to people.

·       Help to promote effectiveness of the sub-ordinates/staffs. Ensuring that sub-ordinate staff or supervisee does what he/she supposed to do.

·       Help to motivate subordinates to maintain high morale among all the nursing staff.

·       Help the members of the team to recognize problems, identify solutions and to take action.

·       Help to develop team spirit and promote team work for effective functioning

Ø Principles of supervision-

·       Supervision should not overburden any individual or a group.

·       Supervision should not exert undue pressure, causing unreasonable pressure for achievements,

·       Supervision should be professionally and technically competent for his/her success in career.

·       Supervision should ensure staff development.

·       Supervision needs good planning and  organization.

·       Supervision is a process of cooperation and coordination.

·       Supervision needs to understand the problems and situations.

·       Supervision should create suitable climate for productive work.

·       Supervision  should create an environment to communicate with workers freely for their effective supervision.

·       Supervision should give autonomy to workers depending upon personalities, expertise, capabilities, knowledge, competence, experience and characteristics.

·       Supervision should encourage innovation allowing free flow of ideas and share positive experience of personnel.

·       Supervision should be a teaching learning process, in which it should help workers improve, develop and reinforce knowledge and skill according to their individual learning need.

·       Supervision should provide necessary counseling, guidance and training.

Ø Nature of supervision-

·       Supervision is the art of overseeing, watching and directing with authority, the work and behavior of others. The nature of supervision is an educative, creative and in which the leader/manager takes responsibility for helping his/her subordinates to develop themselves and become more competent in their jobs.

·       The supervision was earlier conceived as inspecting and finding faults with others. An inspector finds good or bad points which may result into praise or punishment of the worker without any liability on the part of the inspector, who is not at all affected.

·       In supervision the concept is quite different, where the supervisor can’t escape the responsibility of the poor performance of the supervisee. In other words, supervision is much more than inspection.

·       It is a continuous process in which atmosphere of cordiality, mutual trust, respect and linking is essential for the creation of relationship between the supervisee and the supervisor. The modern concept of supervision also includes inspecting other’s work, evaluating his/her performance and approving or correcting performance

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