FOOD HYGIENE IN ENGLISH

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}  Food is a potential source of infection and is liable to contamination by microorganisms, at any point during its journey from the producer to the consumer. Food hygiene, in its widest sense, implies hygiene in the production, handling, distribution and serving of all types of food


}  The term "food-borne disease" is defined as : "A disease, usually either infectious or toxic in nature, caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food. Theses are classified as –

}  1. food borne intoxications.

}  1. Due to naturally occurring toxins in some foods.

}  a. Lathyrism (beta oxalyl amino-alanine)

}  b. Endemic ascitis (Pyrrolizidine alkaloids).

}  2. Due to toxins produced by certain bacteria.

}  a. Botulism

}  b. Staphyloccus poisons

}  3. Due to toxins produced by some fungi

}  a. Aflatoxin (Aspergillus flavus and A. paraciticus)

}  b. Ergot (clavicepspurpurea)

}  c. Fusarium toxins (fusarium oxysporum)

}  4. Food-borne chemical poisoning

}  a. Heavy metals, e.g., mercury (usually in fish), cadmium (in certain shellfish) and lead (in canned food)

}  b. Oils, petroleum derivatives and solvents (Trycresyn phosphate )

}  c. Migrant chemicals from package materials

}  d. Asbestos

}  e. Pesticide residues (DDT, BHC)

}  2. Food borne infections.-

}  Bacterial diseases- Typhoid fever, Paratyphoid fever, Salmonellosis, Staphylococcal intoxication, Botulism, Bacillus cereus Food Poisoning, E.coli diarrhoea,  Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection, Streptococcal infection, Shigellosis and Brucellosis

}  Viral diseases- Viral hepatitis, Viral Gastroenteritis

}  Parasite diseases- TaeniasisHydatidosis, Trichinosis, Ascariasis, Amoebiasis , Oxyuriasis


}  The concept of adding "non-food" substances to food products for increasing shelf life of food is known as food preservation. And the subsctances which are added are known as food additives. Pickling is an ancient  practice aimed at preserving food items such as mango, lime, etc. by the addition of salt and spices.

}  Modern science of food technology has changed food processing with the introduction of chemical additives to increase the shelf-life of food, improve its taste, and to change its texture or colour. Majority of the processed foods such as bread, biscuits, cakes, sweets, confectionary, jams, jellies, soft drinks, ice creams, ketchup and refined oils contain food additives.

}  Food additives may be classified into two categories :

}  first category - Additives of the first category include colouring agents (saffron, turmeric), flavouring agents (vanilla essence), sweeteners (saccharin), preservatives (sorbic acid, sodium benzoate), acidity imparting agents (citric acid, acetic acid), etc. These agents are generally considered safe for human consumption.

}  Second category – Additives of the second category are actually not additives, these are contaminants  incidental through during  packing, processing steps, farming practices (insecticides) or other environmental conditions. Uncontrolled or indiscriminate use of food additives may pose health hazards among consumers.


}  Adulteration of foods is a big nutritional problem. It consists of mixing, substitution, concealing the quality, putting up decomposed foods for sale, misbranding or giving false labels and addition of toxicants just for greed.

}  Adulteration results in two disadvantages

}  first, the consumer is paying more money for a foodstuff of lower quality.

}  secondly, some forms of adulteration are injurious to health, even resulting in death, as for example, adulteration of mustard oil with argemone oil causing epidemic dropsy

}  Food adulteration is a social evil. The traders are involved in food adulteration for their greed for money . Unless the public rises up against these traders  this evil cannot be curbed. It is here the voluntary agencies and consumer guidance societies can play a vital role.


}  Fortification of food or adding some extra nutrients to the food is a public health measure aimed at reinforcing the usual dietary intake of nutrients with additional supplies to prevent/control some nutritional disorders.

}  Fortification of food is defined as  the process whereby nutrients are added to foods (in relatively small quantities) to maintain or improve the quality of the diet of a group, a community, or a population. iodization of salt for combating the problem of endemic goitre, is best example of food fortification

}  Food fortification is a long-term measure for mitigating specific problems of malnutrition in the community. the amount of nutrient added must provide an effective supplement for consumers of the food item, without contributing a hazardous effects even excess use of the main food.


}  Wash hands before and after handling food, after breaks, after the toilet

}  Encourage members to wash hands before eating

}  Do not sneeze or cough near food

}  Do not smoke or eat in any kitchen areas

}  Keep the cooking area free from flies and other insects

}  Tie back or cover long hair during preparation of food

}  Wear clean clothing before preparing food

}  Wear an apron, clean catering t-shirt or catering jacket

}  Cover cuts and sores with a waterproof dressing/plaster

}  Do not work the kitchen if you may have a transmittable disease

}  Use clean knives/utensils for preparing food

}  Handle raw and cooked food separately using different utensils.

}  Store utensils and other equipment cleanly and safely

}  Clean utensils again before starting preparing food.

}  Hot food kept above 63 degrees C

}  Cold food kept below 5 degrees C

}  Ensure all food cooked properly before serving.

}   Do not reheat more than once and reheat thoroughly

}  Store raw and cooked food separately

}  Separate containers for raw and cooked food

}  Cover and secure all opened food packets

}  Cover prepared food to be served in the near future

}  Store prepared food to be used later in labeled, airtight containers

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