JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS IN ENGLISH

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}  Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a mosquito-borne encephalitis caused by a group B arbovirus (Flavi-virus) and transmitted by culicine (culex) mosquitoes.

}  JE is the leading cause of viral encephalitis in Asia and occurs in almost 24 Asian and Western Pacific countries. In India JE was first identified in1955 in Tamil Nadu. Presently it has been reported from different parts of the country. The disease is endemic in 18 states. Assam, Bihar, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu are most affected states.


}  Mostly cases of JE are asymptoatic. Based on sign and symptoms JE has three stages-

}  Prodromal stage- Onset of prodromal stage is characterized by-

}   fever,

}  headache,

}  gastrointestinal disturbances,

}  lethargy and malaise.

}  This stage lasts for one to six days

}  Acute encephalitic stage- In this stage sign and symptoms related to  encephalitis starts such as-

}  High fever,

}  Nuchal rigidity,

}  convulsions

}  difficulty of speech.

}  Ocular palsies,

}  hemiplegia,

}  quadriplegia,  

}  coarse tremors,

}  altered sensorium,

}   patient may enter into coma.

}  Late stage- This stage begins when active inflammation comes to an end. The temperature touch to normal. Neurological signs become stationary or tend to improve.

}  Convalescence may be prolonged and residual neurological deficits may stay for some time.

}  The case fatality rate varies between 20-40 per cent. The average period between the onset of illness and death is about 9 days


}  diagnosis of JE is mainly based on serology using IgM-capture-ELISA which detects specific IgM in the cerebrospinal fluid or in the blood of almost all patients within 7 days of onset of disease.


}  There is no specific treatment for JE. Only symptomatic treatment is provided along with rest and adequate fluid. Antipyretic and pain killers are given to provide symptomatic relief. Attention is given for preventive measures.


}  (a) VACCINATION : Vaccination of population at risk is best method of prevention of JE . Currently, the two primary doses of JE vaccines are given at 9 and 16 months of age. Recommended primary dose is 0.5 ml subcutaneously and site is left upper arm.

}  Booster doses are given after 1 year and subsequently at 3-yearly intervals until the age of 10-15 years. The vaccine is given subcutaneously in doses of 0.5 ml for children under 3 years and one ml for children more than 3 years of age. Protective immunity develops in about one month time after the second dose.

}  (b) VECTOR CONTROL: The vector mosquitoes of JE are widely scattered and not easily amenable to control. An effective way to deal with them is to resort to aerial or ground fogging with ultra-low-volume (ULV) insecticides (e.g., malathion, fenitrothion). All the villages reporting cases should be brought under indoor residual spray.

}  The spraying should cover the vegetation around the houses, breeding sites and animal shelters in the affected villages. Uninfected villages falling within 2 to 3 km radius of the infected villages should also receive spraying as a preventive measure.

}  Other measures to prevent JE includes prevention of mosquito bite by using mosquito repellants sticks, mosquito nets,  mosquito repellant creams and removing breeding places of mosquitoes. Imparting health education regarding prevention of JE also prevents the disease in general public.

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