watch my youtube video to understand this topic in easy way-
is an abnormal infrequency or
irregularity of defecation, abnormal hardening of stools that makes their
passage difficult and sometimes painful. Any variation from normal stool
passing habits may be considered a problem.
Ø Causes of constipations may include-
Ø weakness, immobility, fatigue and an inability to increase intraabdominal pressure to facilitate the passage of stools.
Ø Many people develop constipation because they do not take the time to defecate or they ignore the urge to defecate.
Ø Constipation is also a result of dietary habits such as low consumption of fiber and inadequate fluid intake. Lack of regular exercise and a stress-filled life.
Ø Constipation can be caused by certain medications such as tranquilizers, anticholinergics, antidepressants, antihypertensives, diuretics, aluminum based antacids and muscle relaxants
Ø Constipation may be caused by some medical conditions such as rectal or anal disorders (hemorrhoids, fissures); Intestinal obstruction, boweltumors, Hirschsprung’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis endocrine disorders, hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma etc.
Clinical manifestations of constipation include -
Ø fewer than three bowel movements per week
Ø abdominal distention.
Ø Abdominal pain and pressure;
Ø decreased appetite.
Ø Headache;
Ø Fatigue;
Ø Indigestion;
Ø A sensation of incomplete evacuation.
Ø straining at stool; and
Ø Elimination of lumpy, hard, dry stools
Ø History and Physical examination. (presence of clinical manifestations of constipation)
Ø Barium enema test.
Ø Sigmoidoscopy
Ø Stool for occult blood
Ø Treatment targets the underlying cause of constipation and aims to prevent recurrence. It includes-
Ø Health education regarding bowel habits
Ø Increased fiber and fluid intake, and
Ø exercise to strengthen abdominal muscles.
Ø one of the following may be prescribed for chronic constipation :
Ø bulk-forming agents, saline and osmotic agents, lubricants, stimulants, or fecal softeners.
Ø In severe cases such as impaction enemas and rectal suppositories may be given.
Ø Proper assessment is done by health history and physical examination.
Ø Health education regarding importance of diet and exercise in treatment and prevention of further constipation episodes is provided.
Ø Patient is encouraged to discuss the problem and ask doubts and concerns.
Ø Prescribed medications are given on time.
Ø Patient is encouraged to drink as much liquid as he/she can.
Ø Patient is asked to increase mobility if he is having a sedentary life. It will enhance peristaltic movement.
Ø In severe cases enema or suppository may be prescribed to the patient . These are given as medication administration procedure using 5 rights of drug administration.
Ø Diet modification is very important in treatment and prevention of constipation. Patient is explained about high fiber diet during discharge planning.
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