CONTRACTURES AND ROM IN ENGLISH

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Ø Contractures are defined as a physical deformity and lack of full passive range of motion (ROM) of a joint resulting from structural changes of non-bony tissues, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint capsules and/or skin. Mostly flexion contracture develop because flexor muscles are stronger than extensors.


Ø Contractures can be caused by many disorders including-

Ø Brain and nervous system disorders, such as cerebral palsy or stroke

Ø Inherited disorders (such as muscular dystrophy)

Ø Nerve damage and neuropathies

Ø Reduced use (for example, from lack of mobility or inability to move due to injuries, unconsciousness, paralysis etc.)

Ø Severe muscle and bone injuries.

Ø Scarring after traumatic injury 

Ø  Scarring after burns


Ø Clinical manifestations of contractures includes

Ø Physical deformity

Ø Loss of normal function of the body part

Ø Loss of range of motion

Ø pain


Ø Treatment of contractures may include longtime aggressive physiotherapy.

Ø Splinting, plastering may also help to reduce contractures and regaining ROM.

Ø Surgical management includes contracture release with or without  grafting

Ø Main stress is given on prevention of contractures.


Ø Proper positioning is very important for prevention of contractures.

Ø In fowler’s position flexion contracture of the neck is prevented by placing head against the mattress in supine position and providing support by a small pillow.

Ø Flexion contracture of the wrist can be prevented by using hand pillow to support the hand.

Ø During positioning is very important to provide a natural flexion position at all joints by providing support for prevention of contractures.

Ø Special attention should be given while providing care to unconscious and paralysis patients as they are at more risk for developing flexion contractures.

Ø Placing the patient in the prone position for 30 minutes two or three times daily helps prevent knee and hip flexion contractures.

Ø Active and passive ROM exercises help maintain joint mobility, increase circulation and prevent development of contracture in the paralyzed extremity.

Ø Maintaining correct body alignment when the patient is in bed is essential regardless of the position selected.

Ø The nurse explains the benefits of body alignment and positioning and helps the patient assume these positions and uses pillows to support the body in correct alignment.

Ø A trochanter roll  can be placed at both side of hip joints extending from the crest of the ilium to the mid thigh to prevent external rotation of hip.

Ø Patients should be encouraged to wear shoes for support and protection to prevent footdrop because shoes keep ankle at 90 degree angle.

Ø Exercising the quadriceps muscles prevents flexion contractures of the knee.

Ø If the patient has had an amputation,  uses of compression dressings can promote residual limb shaping, and minimizes contracture formation

Ø frequent lubrication of the skin with water or a silica based lotion, exercise and splinting to prevent skin contracture in burn patients.

Ø Splints or functional devices may be applied to the extremities for contracture control in burn patients.

Ø Daily exercises for muscle stretching are prescribed to minimize joint contractures. Special attention is given to the hamstrings, gastrocnemius muscles, hip adductors, biceps, and wrist and finger flexors.



           Abduction: movement away from the midline of the body

           Adduction: movement toward the midline of the body

           Flexion: bending of a joint so that the angle of the joint diminishes

           Extension: the return movement from flexion; the joint angle is increased

           Rotation: turning or movement of a part around its axis

           Internal: turning inward, toward the center

           External: turning outward, away from the center

           Dorsiflexion: movement that flexes or bends the hand back toward the body or the foot toward the leg

           Palmar flexion: movement that flexes or bends the hand in the direction of the palm

           Plantar flexion: movement that flexes or bends the foot in the direction of the sole

           Pronation: rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand is down

           Supination: rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand is up

           Opposition: touching the thumb to each fingertip of same hand

           Inversion: movement that turns the sole of the foot inward

           Eversion: movement that turns the sole of the foot outward

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